Under the rules of the Friendly Society, we have a constitution. This sets out how and where Holly Rise operates. Who is its membership, how the committee functions? The administration, who the Honorary Officers should be. The Annual General Meeting or Special meetings. Rules, procedure & our dealing with the housing department. A copy of this is to be found in the Office, speak to the Housing Manager if you would like to
look at a copy.
Holly Rise has always operated an Equal Opportunities policy. This is in line with current legislation and as a living document is constantly changing with the times. The policy can be viewed during operating hours if you require a copy. Please contact the Housing Manager if you have a query.
All new tenants are contacted with a few weeks of moving into one of the Holly Rise blocks. This is an opportunity for the tenant to meet a member of the Committee and the Housing Manager. Tenants are welcomed and given information about living in a T.M.O. They are given a copy of the Membership Agreement, asked to sign up to the rules contained in there, and invited to become a shareholder. The new tenant is given the opportunity to ask any further questions that they are unclear about
Holly Rise has always had a policy covering this area of its operations. It has updated and practices the current Data Protection and Privacy (GDPR) rules that came into operation in May of 2018. We have a written policy of how we manage personal and other information about our tenants, as we are agents on behalf of Birmingham City Council.
It is now more than 6 years since Holly Rise installed CCTV cameras around both blocks, we have also added to the original cameras, to reduce the growing antisocial behaviour at the time. It is registered with the I.C.O (information commissioner's office). This reduced the number of incidents and had benefited individual tenants. We renew our certificate annually and adhere to the principals of Data Security. This has at times been of great benefit to tenants.
If a tenant or member of Birmingham City Council Housing Department requires supplementary information, please contact David Wray, TMO Chair, or Jane Kelly, the Housing Manager.
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